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Showing 453 search results

Young Epilepsy

Created On: 01/09/2023
open Monday to Friday 9am till 5pm
Childhood epilepsy can be frightening, isolating and often a misunderstood condition.   At Young Epilepsy work with children and young people with epilepsy, to ensure their voices are heard and their rights are protected. We campaign for children and young peoples rights. We deliver health services, training…

Brilliant Transitions for All

Created On: 01/09/2023
Moving from an Early Years Setting, or home into a reception class or year group, is like crossing a river for some of our families, and they want to be sure that their child’s needs will continue to be met on the other side. A…

Bedford Borough Transition Bridge Calendars

Created On: 02/08/2023
Moving from an Early Years setting into School or moving year groups is like crossing a river for some of our families, and they want to be sure that their child’s needs will continue to be met on the other side. The key message families…

Early Years Ready Family, Ready Child.

Created On: 02/08/2023
Being ready for school involves more than the child. Families, PVIs, childminders and schools need to work together to support the child to be ready for the transition to school. The United Nations World Fit for Children (WFFC) reinforces the importance of “A good start…

Early Years Transitions: Child Voice

Created On: 02/08/2023
“Are you listening? Can you hear me”? This is what children want all adults to consider when they are supporting them with transitions into school or from a reception class to a year one class.  It is vital that we seek the child’s perspective, their…

Blue Orkids-Wootton Nursery

Created On: 31/07/2023
We opened our doors in Wootton in October 2018. We are a 60 place nursery, places are available for babies and children from 3 months to 5 years. We offer funded 2,3 and 4 year old places as well as the option to access further…
Wootton Community Nursery Innovation WayBedfordBedfordMK43 9SP

New FREE Support Service for people in Bedford Borough who experience Hate Crime

Created On: 30/06/2023
Monday to Thursday 9 am till 5 pm and on Friday from 9 am till 4pm.
The new service called Bedfordshire's Community Mediation Service. This service has been designed to support people who live in Bedford Broough  and are experiencing Hate Crime/ Hate Incidents. The service also aims raise awareness, breakdown reporting barriers and work as a mediation service to increase…