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Ages and Stages of development

"Ages and stages" is a term used to describe significant periods in the human develpment timeline. Growth and maturation occur in the primary developmental domains during each stage, including physical, intellectual, language and social-emotional.

CCS NHS Trust Developmental Milestones

Bedfordshire Community Health Services have developed a helpful guide around what you can expect your child to be doing both physically and communicatively at various ages.

This resource can be viewed by clicking here

I CAN communication Ages and Stages

I CAN have created a guide to the typical stages of speech and language development in babies, children and young people.

Children develop language at different rates. However, understanding what is typical can help you identify speech and language problems early.  You can also find out how to help your child learn to talk and develop their communication skills.

You can view this guide by clicking here

Ages and Stages Questionnaire

The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) is the universal tool used to enable parents to answer a series of questions that gives a quick look at how children are developing in 5 key areas.

Your health visitor will send you an ASQ to complete before their developmental checks and some early years providers use these as part of their 2 year old review.

The ASQ is a licenced document however some parents choose to google "ASQ download" which then enables them to find the resources online and allow them to undertake these at various points across their child's development (not just abefore a health visitor review). If you do this and you are concernd by the scores then you can contact the health visiting service or other support through the "what to do if I am concrend about my child's development" page