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Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour, including sexual violence, by a partner, ex-partner, a family member, or carer.

Men, women, transgender individuals and children all experience domestic abuse, and can also all be perpetrators of abuse. 

Abuse can begin at any time in a relationship, after a relationship has ended or within a family, and it takes place at all levels of society, regardless of social class, race, age, religion, sexual orientation or disability.  Individuals may experience abuse or be affected by it long after they have left their abuser.

Over a third of domestic violence starts or gets worse when a woman is pregnant. 15% of women report violence during their pregnancy.

If you are in immediate danger, please call 999.

Below is the link to the Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership website. The website will not appear in your search history and contains links to support and information.

Browse by subject

  1. What is Domestic Abuse?
  2. BDAP