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The holiday activities and food (HAF) programme is back again this summer, providing healthy meals, fun activities, and free childcare places to children across Bedford Borough.

The programme will roll out again over the school holidays beginning on Monday 22 July, with low-income families receiving 16 four-hour sessions for each statutory school-aged child up to 16 years old. Every eligible child also receives a free hot meal at each HAF activity session they attend.

Vouchers will be sent out on Wednesday 19 June and bookings will go live the same day.

Please see our frequently asked questions & answers below:

Who is eligible for HAF places?

    • Children in receipt of benefit-related free school meals will automatically receive a HAF voucher.
    • Looked after children, children open to social care or early help, refugees and asylum seekers and children from families with no recourse to public funding may also be eligible – following a referral from a professional.

How will I know if my child is eligible?

How will I receive my vouchers?

    • Via email and/or text message. You will automatically receive a voucher code and booking link.

What should I do if I didn’t receive my vouchers?

    • Contact your child’s school directly for support.

If I have more than one child, do they have to share the 16 four-hour sessions?

    • No. Each eligible child receives 16 credits.

How do I sign up?

    • You do not need to sign up for the HAF programme – if your child is registered for free school meals, you will receive your vouchers automatically. If you believe you may be eligible under different criteria, ask your child’s school or a professional to complete and send off the referral form. Please note that parents are not able to complete referral forms themselves.

Do I have to sign up for the sessions on 19 June?

    • No

Where can I find a full list of activities?

    • All available activities will appear on the booking system/app once you receive your voucher.

Can my child be left alone at the activities?

    • Yes – all of our universal sessions operate a ‘drop off/pick up’ system.

Do my children need to wear specific clothes or bring equipment to sessions?

    • If any clubs require children to wear or bring specific items, you will be contacted after booking. All clubs send out information to parents of children that have booked on.

Are the sessions suitable for children with SEND or with disabilities?

    • Yes. We are an inclusive programme, with many children with SEND attending our universal clubs, as well as our SEND specific clubs. More information about our SEND clubs can be found on our main webpage.

What should I do if there has been a change in my circumstances?

    • Click here to let us know.

If I book a place and my family’s plans change, can I cancel or reschedule?

    • Yes. You can cancel bookings and reuse credits on the system/app, provided you give the clubs at least 48 hours’ notice.