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Training round up for practitioners

Welcome to the practictioners training round up.  

Round up June and July training


To book training 

Autism Bedfordshire 

Visit their website

Early Help Workforce Development Offer 

FREE Training is available for professional’s supporting children, young people and families in Bedford, 

To view the training offer please click here


The Early Help Workforce development service will be moving to an Online-booking platform in the near future however in the short term, please to ensure that all bookings for training, wherever possible, are booked directly with

Training will be delivered over a virtual platform. Links and password will be sent out prior to the training taking place. 

All courses offered are free of charge to those Professionals working within the Bedford Borough Locality. There is a £50 charge for professionals outside the BBC Locality or from the Private sector.


Please complete the below form and email to . Confirmation will be sent within 10 days



Date of Birth:

Organisation and Job role:

Organisation Address:

Course applied for:

Date of Course:

Email address:

Contact Phone number:


Would you consider yourself to have a disability (Y/N)? if yes please state and specific alternations we may need to make:



Attendance at any training event is subject to this application process.



Non-attendance\cancellations without 48hrs prior notice will result in you/your organisation being charged a £50 fee.


Speech and language service

Visit their page by clicking here


SEND Health Week 2024



To book training for 

Autism Bedfordshire 

Visit their training page by clicking here


Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum 

Visit their event page on their website by clicking here 


British Dyslexia Association

Visit their webinars page by clicking


Carers in Beds - visit their what's on calendar by click here then click on the date and time 


Early Help Triple P Training Email



SEND Health Week 2024





Tuesday 4th June


Autism Bedfordshire

Autism & Communication for Practitioners

£50 per delegate


Tuesday 4th June

10am to 11am

Witherslack Group

ONLINE Sleep Solutions: Supporting The Sensory Needs of Children


To book visit



Tuesday 4th June

7pm to 9pm

British Dyslexia Association

Free Webinar - Don’t stop me now! Achieving with Dyslexia in FE/HE

This session will offer some top tips in planning, preparing and studying for college and university with dyslexia and neurodiversity.


This session will offer some top tips in planning, preparing and studying for college and university with dyslexia and neurodiversity.


Monday 10th June


Autism Bedfordshire

Autism, Women & Girls

£50 per delegate


Monday 10th June

 9.30am to 11.30am

Early Help Workforce

Early Help Assessment Workshop

Monday 10th June

10am to 11:30am

SEND Health Focus Week 2024

Preparing for Adulthood - Annual Health Checks,

Would you like to find out more about Annual Health Checks? Come and join our Local Health Equalities Service to find out more about how Annual Health Checks can benefit you and your child, what you can expect, and how you can access them.  



Monday 10th June

1pm to 2:30pm

SEND Health Focus Week 2024

How to support your teenager preparing for adulthood and navigating SEND, with the School Nursing Team,

This workshop is aimed at parents/carers or professionals who support young people with SEND. Come and join the Bedfordshire and Luton school nursing team to discuss how best to support our young people in preparing them for their next steps as well as navigating their world as a teenager with SEND!  



Tuesday 11th June


Autism Bedfordshire

Autism & Demand Avoidance for Practitioners

£50 per delegate


Tuesday 11th June

Monday 10th June

10am to 11:30am

SEND Health Focus Week 2024

Lived Experience of Autism and Mental Health Services,

This session will explore Autism from those with lived experience and their journey from receiving their diagnosis. They will be sharing what support they received from mental health services, advice on what was helpful and what could’ve been different to support them better. Come along to hear from the young people who helped to create the Autism training video and hear about other resources in development and the impact they are having


Tuesday 11th June

1pm to 2:30pm

SEND Health Focus Week 2024

Gender Identity and Lived Experience

Gender  Identity and Neurodiversity is a controversial topic. This workshop will share different people’s lived experience, what people and families have found helpful, and how we support young people at CAMHS. Every young person is different and this workshop is about supporting young people and their families.


Wednesday 12th June

10am to 11am

Witherslack Group

ADHD: Managing Attachment & Behaviour

To book visit


Wednesday 12th June

10am to 11:30am

SEND Health Focus Week 2024

The Positives of Neurodiversity,

Join consultant community paediatrician and Autism lead Dr Francesca Omisakin to discuss the strengths and opportunities being neurodiverse brings, and the importance of celebrating young people with neurodiversity for parents/carers and professionals. 

Wednesday 12th June

1pm to 2:30pm

SEND Health Focus Week 2024

SEND and Behaviour Workshop,


Wednesday 12th June

6pm Networking for a 6:30pm Start to 7:45pm

Early Years Network Meeting

To book visit


Wednesday 12th June

7pm to 8:30pm

SEND Health Focus Week 2024

Step Away from the Screen

We will discuss the benefits of exercise for individuals with SEND, including those with mental health difficulties. Topics include how exercise impacts sensory regulation and ideas to get young people involved in physical activity. 

Thursday 13th June

10am to 11:30am

SEND Health Focus Week 2024

Misconceptions and Lived Experience of Tics and Tourettes, 10-11.30am
Navigating the world with tics and tourrettes can be tricky. There is lots of misunderstanding and misconceptions about the disorder. This workshop aims to reduce these, explain the difference between tics and tourrettes, and how best to support young people with these presentations. Learn from experts by experience what life looks like and the struggles some people may face. Covering external factors like alcohol and sleep deprivation and their effects as well as discussing the difference between normalising and trivialising the disorder. Whether you are a parent/ carer or a professional this workshop will benefit you in increasing your understanding of a normally shied away topic. 


Thursday 13th June


SEND Health Focus Week 2024

ADHD in Females and those Assigned Female at Birth,

Our understanding of ADHD presenting in those assigned female at birth has massively increased world-wide over the last few years. Due to this, we’ve seen a big increase in those presenting with ADHD symptoms and in turn, parents/ carers and professionals wanting a wider understanding on how you can support a young person with the diagnosis. This workshop gives you an opportunity to hear from young people and those with lived experience, ask questions and understand what is important to them. Non-traditional discussions around making home-life easier, navigating the educational system and support post diagnosis. 


Friday 14th June


SEND Health Focus Week 2024


SEND and Dietetics: Making Mealtimes Manageable,
Whether you have a picky or highly restrictive eater you will find out more about why your child eats this way and what you can do to improve their food intake and make mealtimes less stressful. 

Friday 14th June


SEND Health Focus Week 2024


ADHD and Medication,
Consultant community paedaitrican Dr Chinnaiah Yemula has many years experience working with children and young people with ADHD. Join us for an engaging and informative session which is all about ADHD, including What is ADHD and how is it assessed, how the ADHD brain works, what else can occur with ADHD, what strategies and tools can help young people with ADHD, what are the options for medication and how do they work.



Tuesday 18th June


Autism Bedfordshire

Autism & Sensory Processing for Practitioners

£50 per delegate


Tuesday 18th June

10am to 3pm 

Early Help Workforce

Solution Focused Therapy Intermediate


Wed 19th and 26th of June 2024 9:15am to 3pm

Early Years

NDCO training for aspiring, new and experienced SENDCOs who support little people, their families and the other practitioners within their setting.

To book visit


Friday 21st June

9:30am to 1pm

Early Years


AET - Understanding Autism in the Early Years & Good Autism Practice in the Early Years

To book visit


Monday 24th  June

10am to 3pm 

Early Help Workforce

Solution Focused Therapy Intermediate


Tuesday 25th June


Autism Bedfordshire

Autism puberty and relationships for Practitioners

£50 per delegate


Wednesday 26th June

7pm to 8:30pm

Witherslack Group

Understanding PDA

To book


Wednesday 10th July 

10am to 3pm 

Witherslack Group

FREE Virtual SEN Conference; Naturing your child’s behaviour and Wellbeing

To book visit



5 FREE online CPD units as part of government-funded SEND-training,

5 FREE TO ACCESS online CPD units as part of government-funded SEND-training, helping practitioners address common learning barriers.

NEW SENCO Advice Line is a new phone line for SENCOs and other school professionals to call, to get advice about meeting the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Active Listening Training Video recording 13th June 2023

This session has been designed to introduce some small yet powerful changes that can make such a significant difference to your listening skills. As a result, those you work with/support will have a greater sense of value that comes from feeling truly heard – and will experience a sense of empowerment. It will offer practical applications when we:

  • Interacting and co-producing with families.

  • Actively listening to children and each other.

Please click here  to access the training.

Password bdPTw92P

BLMK SEND eLearning for Practitioners

Bedford Borough Council and Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum have worked with partners from across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes to coproduce a set of 3 eLearning modules where you can learn more about SEND and the Childrens and Families Act 2014.

You can access the training through clicking here . You will need to register as a new user to be able to access the training. For many of the registration questions parents can simply answer N/A.

The below video gives an introduction to what to expect from this eLearning



Early Help Workforce Development Virtual offer 2023-24

Please click here to download  the Early Help Workforce Development Virtual offer 2023-24.

To book 


The Early Help Workforce development service will be moving to an Online-booking platform in the near future however in the short term, please to ensure that all bookings for training, wherever possible, are booked directly with


All courses offered are free of charge to those Professionals working within the Bedford Borough Locality. There is a £50 charge for professionals outside the BBC Locality or from the Private sector.


Please complete the below form and email to . Confirmation will be sent within 10 days



Date of Birth:

Organisation and Job role:

Organisation Address:

Course applied for:

Date of Course:

Email address:

Contact Phone number:


Would you consider yourself to have a disability (Y/N)? if yes please state and specific alternations we may need to make:



Attendance at any training event is subject to this application process.



Non-attendance\cancellations without 48hrs prior notice will result in you/your organisation being charged a £50 fee.


Educational Psychology Team training available for schools that have brought back the service for 23-24

Health Early Support Workshop - Translated versions

Early Support Workshop [dubbed in Bengali]

Early Support Workshop (original version subtitled in Bengali)

Early Support Workshop [dubbed in Romanian]

Early Support Workshop [dubbed in Polish]

Early Support Workshop [dubbed in Urdu]

Early Support Workshop [dubbed in Bulgarian]

Independent Travel Training for young people with SEND aged 14+

Independent Travel Training is the teaching of the skills required to enable an individual with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to start travelling independently and safely to and from school/college or place of work and within their local community with confidence.

Travel Training involves teaching an individual to walk a particular route or travel by public transport, some methods of transport may be more appropriate than others depending on the individual or where they live.

Traveling independently is an important skill to gain as part of preparing for adulthood and developing an individual’s independence, confidence, resilience and self-esteem. It enables easier access to future educational and employment opportunities and a vast range of transferable skills will be developed.’

For more information please visit

ONLINE Council for Disabled Children level 1 and 2 SEND basic awareness training (Certificate available)

The Council for Disabiled Children is delighted to announce the launch of their SEND Basic Awareness e-learning course. This freely available, self-guided e-learningwill improve people  knowledge and understanding of:

  • the Children and Families Act,
  • the SEND Code of Practice,
  • the Local Offer,
  • the graduated approach

Level 1 link -  Level 1: SEND Basic Awareness | Council for Disabled Children

Level 2 link - Level 2: SEND Basic Awareness | Council for Disabled Children

ONLINE Sensory Processing Training

Bedfordshire Community Paediatric Occupational Therapy Service have created a 25 minute online presentation to give more details on Sensory Processing Difficulties (SPD) and what strategies could be used to help children with managing these difficulties. You can view the training and resources by clicking here

You can also find out more regarding Sensory Processing by checking out the "What is Sensory Processing" section of our local offer by clicking here

ONLINE Speech and Language Training

The Children’s Speech and Language Therapy service in Luton and Bedfordshire provide training opportunities for ALL children of ALL ages. Training opportunities are varied and provide staff working in Early Years, Primary and Secondary the skills to work with children at a Universal, Targeted and Specialist level. We are passionate about upskilling the workforce to support ALL children with their Speech, Language and Communication skills. In addition, many of our workshops are available for parents/carers to attend.

For more info click here

Online training from Cambridge Community Services you can watch any time

For sensory challenges (for parents/carers and professionals):

Planning wheels for sensory challenges (for young people, parents/carers and professionals):

ADHD Workshop (for parents/carers and professionals):

Behaviours That May Challenge - Workshop

ADHD New Diagnosis Workshop

Teenage Sleep Workshop

The Speech and Language service (SALT) have developed a series of videos which contain information on supporting a child’s communication needs within the home or educational settings.

Parents/Carers Training round up page

To view the Parents/Carer Training Page please visit

Recording of the SEND Health Week Talks July 2023

Please click here to see the full range of recordings from the SEND Health week talk

Triple P Summer Term Dates April to July 2024

Please click here to view the range of Triple P courses available across the Summer Term 2024