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FREE places for Autistic/identifying as Autistic young people who live in Bedford Borough aged between 10-18 on Spectrum Gaming online community

Spectrum Gaming Launch

We are excited to be working with ‘Spectrum Gaming’ in Bedford Borough. 

100 FREE Places for Autistic/identifying as Autistic young people who live in Bedford Borough  aged between 10-18 on Spectrum Gaming online community

We are offering 100 FREE places for Autistic/identifying as Autistic young people aged between 10-18 on their online community, who live in Bedford Borough

We would like to invite you to their online Launch to find out more about:

  • Who Spectrum Gaming is.
  • What they are offering for our young people
  • How to join
  • How the verification process works
  • Parent responsibilities within Spectrum Gaming
  • Tips on getting started.
  • Why Spectrum Gaming might sometimes not work.
  • What to do if a young person needs support

Launch Dates:

Tuesday 7th May 2024 11am -12.30pm Link to the launch meeting on Zoom


Thursday 16th May 2024 10.00am -11.30pm  Link to the launch meeting on Zoom


Who are Spectrum Gaming

Bedford Borough are delighted to be working with the amazing Spectrum Gaming to support some of our young Autistic People and those who may identify as Autistic.

So who are Spectrum Gaming?



To create a world where autistic young people can reach their true potential!



Spectrum Gaming is an autistic-led UK based charity that supports autistic young people. We aim to create a world where every autistic young person knows that who they are is ok and they can be themselves, whilst still developing meaningful relationships and achieving their personal goals.

We do this by providing spaces where they feel safe and accepted, amongst others with similar shared lived experiences, and opportunities to explore who they are.

​We want all autistic young people to have the strength and confidence to find their place in the world that works for them. In many cases this means influencing wider strategic changes to create an environment that is more understanding and equitable.


Child Centred

We work with our young people in equal partnership, to achieve what’s important for them.


We always try our best, encouraging challenge and change in order to learn and improve.


We prioritise the needs of our community to ensure that changes do not compromise their experience and help achieve excellence.

If you would like to find out more about e Spectrum Gaming please visit their  website