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CAMHS Talk Podcast

CAMHS Talk is hosted by the Luton and Bedford Service User Participation Group in partnership with the Luton & Bedford Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team. This is one of the first podcast of its kind in the UK and we’re coming together to discuss, debate and challenge issues around child and adolescent mental health.

This is a fabulous opportunity for you to come and listen to staff interviews, hear lively discussions between staff, service users and their families and get first-hand information about what it’s like to come to the CAMHS. We’ll also let you know about new service developments and give you a heads up on any events we’re running.. so you can get the dates in your diary.

YouTube Channel with subtitles and option to translate to other languages

CAMHSTalk podcast now has a YouTube channel which means that their podcasts are now available with subtitles and the option to translate to other languages. 

Episode 6 – What's on offer in Bedford Borough for SEND children

Navigating local support and services for children with special educational needs can be cumbersome and stressful. Come listen and learn all about the Bedford Borough Local Offer Service that works tirelessly to bring information about what’s out there into one easy to access website. We discuss how to access the services and also have first-hand feedback from some of our service users about how having a ‘one-stop-shop’ has improved their own well being and that of their family. To take a look at the Bedford Borough Local Offer website, just click the link or cut and paste if you’d prefer. If you are a local service that wants to be included on the local offer website, you can also click the link below and make contact. The more services that make themselves known, the richer the mix of support is available to SEND children.

Who to contact

CAMHS Podcast

Time / Date Details

When is it on
New Podcast launched every two weeks

Other Details

Age Bands
11-14 years old
18-25 years old
Parents and carers
15-17 years old
0-4 years old
5-10 years old