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Brilliant Transitions for All

Moving from an Early Years Setting, or home into a reception class or year group, is like crossing a river for some of our families, and they want to be sure that their child’s needs will continue to be met on the other side.

A successful transition ensures the child’s well-being is fully supported and that on entry into the next part of their learning journey they feel “like a fish in water”, ready to learn and in the right place. They should not need to think about the environment- it is just right.

Effective transition processes will support the school, families and child to be prepared and crucially all children and families will belong.

All schools in Bedford Borough provide effective support , so that all children thrive and they adhere to the legalisation in the SEND Code of Practice,

“Support the child or young person, and the child’s parents, in order to facilitate the development of the child or young person and to help them achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes, preparing them effectively for adulthood”. (COP 2015, pg 19 1:1)

To support all schools, families and children, the Bedford Borough ‘Brilliant Transition for All'  guidance has information and resources to support successful transition processes.


Other Details

Age Bands
0-4 years old
5-10 years old