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Stay and Play in the Garden

The Good Life Garden's Stay and Play in the Garden provides a space for both adults and children to spend time outside, get to know other families, and explore and play through nature.


You can expect a range of open ended free play activities, centred around nature and the garden, a cup of something warm, and a relaxed environment to chat and get to know one another.


I am a qualified teacher and Forest School Leader, and specialise in Early Years. I love spending time outdoors, gardening and being close to nature. I'm passionate about sharing this love with others, especially little people!


Having fun is MESSY! Bear this in mind when choosing what to wear. If the weather is chilly, I advise you to bring coats and warmer clothing, as the session will be predominantly outside.

I am a qualified teacher, and have years experience working with early years children, including children with SEN. 


Stay and Play in the Garden is a relaxed, child led session, where children choose their own play. There are a number of opportunities available, and a variety of sensory experiences including mud and water play. 


If your child has any particular needs that you would like to relay to me beforehand, please do feel free to let me know.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Meg Oliver
Contact Position
The Good Life Garden
Book here


Best Start Bedford offer is a free service provided by Bedford Borough Council.


The information contained within the website is available for the purposes of identifying services and provision that are available to parents and children inclusive of those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.


This information does not represent a recommendation or an endorsement of a Service/Provider and neither does Bedford Borough Council or its partners make any representations as to the accuracy of the information.


Please contact the service provider directly for updates and accuracy of information.


Anyone working with children should have appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service, (DBS) safeguarding policies and insurances in place, which they should make available to you on request.

Where to go

The Good Life Garden
66, Grange Lane
MK43 8NS
Get directions

When you arrive at 66 Grange Lane, come through the back gate, we will be in the garden.

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Fourth Friday of the month
Time of day

Other Details


Table of costs
Table of costs
AmountCost Type
£5.50 per session
£3.50 special offer see 'other info'
£3.50 for additional siblings Under 12 months free


Other notes

Ages 0-5 years. 

Qualified teacher and Forest School Leader
Age Bands
0-4 years old