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Bedford Hospital Learning Disability Liaison Service

Disability Services

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Welcome to the Learning Disability Information pages. The information here offers advice and support if you are a person with a learning disability or a carer or professional supporting someone with a learning disability accessing any of our services.

We know that people with a learning disability are twice more likely to be admitted to hospital than the general population. We therefore want to make your involvement with the hospital as positive as it can be.

The Learning Disabilities teams at NHS Bedfordshire Hospitals are based at both Bedford and the Luton and Dunstable sites. We provide specialist support for adult patients who have a learning disability (inpatient or outpatient). We can offer advice and support on communication and consent, and help develop links between the hospitals, local authority, Specialist Learning Disability Community & Medical teams.

We are there to support adults with learning disabilities when using the hospital services, to ensure that their experience is a positive one. We will listen to any feedback that you have to offer and use this to make improvements where possible.

Children with a learning disability who are approaching 18 will move from children’s services to adults’ services; this is often very challenging for young people and their families. The move combines a change of services and professionals at the very time when they are also negotiating wider changes to their life.

These changes should, however, be planned. If a child, is approaching the age of 17 onwards then we would like you to contact Learning Disability Liaison so that we can support the transition process, introduce ourselves and provide you with information which will hopefully reassure you as to the support that can be accessed within the hospital.

We can help you complete a Capacity Assessment and Best Interest decision under the Mental Capacity Act, provide specific training on learning disabilities for all staff, and advise on how to make ‘Reasonable Adjustments’ to provide services for people with disabilities.

​Our support may also include assistance with communication with both the patient and their usual carers, support formulating plans of care and pathways of care that meet the physical and learning disability needs.

For more information, please contact the teams as detailed below and they would be happy to discuss their role and the support they can offer.

Bedford Hospital –

Kara Greig, Lead Liaison Learning Disability Nurse – 07768 132244

Tosan Ejuetami, Liaison Learning Disability Nurse – 07990 850866

Luton and Dunstable University Hospital –

Jeanette Broadhurst, Lead Liaison Learning Disability Nurse – 07899065737

Help and Guidance


Who to contact


Where to go

Bedford Hospital
South Wing
Kempston Road
MK42 9DJ
Get directions

Time / Date Details

When is it on
9am to 5:30 Monday to Friday

Other Details


Referral required
Age Bands
11-14 years old
18-25 years old
Parents and carers
15-17 years old
5-10 years old