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Luton and Dunstable Hospital Learning Disability Service

Disability Services

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Supporting patients who have a learning disability

Patients with learning disabilities will need special consideration to ensure that they receive the care and treatment which meets their specific needs and maintains their safety. Preparation is crucial in supporting people with learning disabilities; whether carrying out examinations, investigations, treatment or supporting an admission onto a ward.

We have a Learning Disability Nurse at the L&D (Juliet Foster) who help support adults, their carers and family who have a learning disability. Jane and Juliet work with hospital staff to help them to understand how best to support and care for people who have a learning disability.

If you have a learning disability you might need extra help when you come to hospital.
Staff at the hospital will think about what changes they might need to make to their usual service. This is to make sure that you get the care and treatment that you need.

The Learning Disability Nurse support adults who have a learning disability, their carers, and their families. They work with hospital staff to help them to understand how best to care for people who have a learning disability.

If you need help in your hospital appointment, getting ready for a hospital visit, or when you are staying in hospital you can phone the Learning Disability Nurse on 01582 718271.

Help and Guidance

Reasonable Adjustments Video
Please see the new ‘Reasonable Adjustments’ video below.Reasonable Adjustments – What people with learning disabilities may experience when coming to hospital from Luton & Dunstable Hospital on Vimeo.

Supporting patients with a disability 

We hope you find all the information you need for your visit to the Luton and Dunstable University Hospital.  If you have a disability and need help please come to the main reception or telephone the main reception before coming to the hospital, on 01582 497314.

While you are at the hospital please speak to the nurses to make sure that staff know about your needs.

If you need a wheelchair and have one at home we would advise bringing your own to the hospital. We have limited stock and cannot be certain that a wheelchair will be available for you to use.

When you are in hospital you can ask the staff to phone us 8271 or bleep on 377.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Juliet Foster
Contact Position
Learning Disability Nurse at the L&D

Where to go

Luton and Dunstable University Hospital
Lewsey Road
Get directions

Other Details


Referral required
Age Bands
18-25 years old
Parents and carers