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Toddler Sense Bedfordshire

 Welcome to Toddler Sense - a whole new world of sensory stimulation, play, fun adventures and learning for your toddler or child. When your toddler or child has finished exploring, a whole new world of adventure begins with our unique soft toy, Tod!

 Welcome to Toddler Sense - a whole new world of sensory stimulation, play, fun adventures and learning for your toddler or child. When your toddler or child has finished exploring, a whole new world of adventure begins with our unique soft toy, Tod!  See "About the classes" to find out more about the benefits for your toddler.

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Who to contact

Contact Name
Toddler Sense Bedfordshire

Best Start Bedford offer is a free service provided by Bedford Borough Council.

The information contained within the website is available for the purposes of identifying services and provision that are available to parents and children inclusive of those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

This information does not represent a recommendation or an endorsement of a Service/Provider and neither does Bedford Borough Council or its partners make any representations as to the accuracy of the information.

Please contact the service provider directly for updates and accuracy of information. 

Anyone working with children should have appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service, (DBS) safeguarding policies and insurances in place, which they should make available to you on request.

Where to go

varies. Please visit

Time / Date Details

Time of day

Other Details

Age Bands
0-4 years old