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Showing 101 search results

NDD Local Services and Support - Mental Health

Created On: 31/08/2020
What is mental health? We all have mental health, just like we all have physical health. Sometimes we feel well, and sometimes we don’t. Mental health is complicated because it’s about how we think, feel and act, and this is always changing. When our mental…

Autism Bedfordshire - Autism Bedfordshire Autism, Diet & Sensory Issues

Created On: 01/08/2020
1/2 day workshop for Parents & Primary Carers exploring the relationship between autism & diet, focussing on the impact that sensory issues have on this often challenging area. Course objectives: To more fully understand the impact of sensory processing difficulties on the lives of autistic…

NDD Local Services and Support - Behaviour

Created On: 01/08/2020
All children have times when they behave in inappropriate or challenging ways. They can go through different phases as they develop and become more independent and this might mean they push limits and boundaries from time to time. At times of change or difficulty, for…

Child Development Centre

Created On: 31/07/2020
Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm
   Child Development Centre (CDC), Bedfordshire The Child Development Centre provides services to children with developmental needs and disabilities living in North and Mid Bedfordshire. We bring together a team of professionals from health, education and children's social care who are based at, or visit…
Child Development CentreHill RiseKempstonBedfordMK42 7EB