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Showing 393 search results

Out of school childcare services, evenings and weekends

Created On: 30/06/2024
Monday-Friday 6pm to 9pm weekends 7:30am-8pm
I live in Bedford, Biddenham. I am a mother to a little girl; I love what I do, and childcare is such a rewarding experience. I will be guiding children with their learning through play, self-discovery and observation. My setting provides a rich and varied…
56 Dragonfly CrescentBiddenhamBedfordBedfordBedfordshireMK40 4UB

Choosing Childcare

Created On: 02/01/2020
If you are looking for childcare or an early education place for your child - we can help. We hold information on all registered childcare in Bedford Borough including: Childminders - Registered childminders work in their own homes caring for other people’s children. Childminders provide…