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Showing 702 search results

Autism Bedfordshire Adult Evening Social Groups

Created On: 01/11/2022
Evening Groups Our evening social groups typically take advantage of the local community facilities and members will be either visiting restaurants, the cinema or other local leisure activities. Sessions are generally supported by two members of staff and take place across Bedfordshire:  for dates and times…

Warm Spaces

Created On: 02/10/2022
The rise in the cost of living and increased energy bills means that many households will struggle with their heating bills this winter. People will be faced with tough decisions about when they can afford to heat their home. To help residents, Bedford Borough Council…

Free ADHD & Teen Sleep Resources for Parents

Created On: 30/09/2022
ADHD Guide for Parents (Authors - Dr Yemula, Dr Nivedita Bajaj, Professor Besag and Professor Chowdhury): An interactive pdf with external links to educational video clips, covering basics, how ADHD is diagnosed, coexisting conditions, treatment options and also emphasising the positives and strengths of people…