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Showing 17 search results

Free ADHD & Teen Sleep Resources for Parents

Created On: 30/09/2022
ADHD Guide for Parents (Authors - Dr Yemula, Dr Nivedita Bajaj, Professor Besag and Professor Chowdhury): An interactive pdf with external links to educational video clips, covering basics, how ADHD is diagnosed, coexisting conditions, treatment options and also emphasising the positives and strengths of people…

Emotional Resilience-prioritising self care

Created On: 01/01/2021
Aimee is a mum to three children, a blogger, Podcaster and Mentor for parents, like her, whose children have additional needs and disabilities. Aimee runs live and virtual workshops focusing on advocacy and prioritising self care. Aimee’s oldest son, Freddie, has a rare de novo…

School Nursing

Created On: 31/05/2019
Our team of schools nurses work with children, young people and their families to ensure their health and wellbeing needs are supported within their school and community. We do this through the Healthy Child Programme and play a key role in addressing public health issues…

Antenatal classes - Bump, Birth and Baby Stuff

Created On: 02/10/2019
Bedford Borough’s Bump, Birth and Baby Stuff is a collaborative education programme, providing seamless antenatal care to first time parents or as a refresher course, who live in Bedford Borough. The partnership is made up of Bedford Borough Council, Bedford Hospital, NHS Bedfordshire Community Health Services and Bedford…

Looked After Children Health Service - run by Bedfordshire Community Health Services

Created On: 02/06/2019
Monday – Friday, 09.00 – 17.00
Looked After Children team: will only deliver services to meet prioritised needs (e.g. those at increased risk of harm from social isolation); safeguarding work (case review not routine checks); telephone advice (could be undertaken regionally); and initial health assessments (see community paediatricians below). What we do…
Union Street ClinicUnion StreetBedfordMK40 2SF