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Showing 150 search results

Autism Bedfordshire - Autism Bedfordshire Autism, Diet & Sensory Issues

Created On: 01/08/2020
1/2 day workshop for Parents & Primary Carers exploring the relationship between autism & diet, focussing on the impact that sensory issues have on this often challenging area. Course objectives: To more fully understand the impact of sensory processing difficulties on the lives of autistic…

NDD Local Services and Support - Mental Health

Created On: 31/08/2020
What is mental health? We all have mental health, just like we all have physical health. Sometimes we feel well, and sometimes we don’t. Mental health is complicated because it’s about how we think, feel and act, and this is always changing. When our mental…


Created On: 31/10/2020
OUR SERVICES Text: MoreLife offer FREE weight management and healthy lifestyle support to adults, families and pregnant women across Bedford Borough. Our programmes are evidence based, talking through proven behaviour change techniques that help people make small but realistic changes that make a big difference to…

Autism Beds - Educational Consultancy

Created On: 30/11/2020
This service can be accessed by professionals or parents who would like assistance in identifying, understanding and supporting young people who may face barriers to their learning and development. Our experience: Our Autism Trainer, Mandy, is a qualified autism advisory teacher with over ten years of…

Royal Society for Blind Children (RSBC)

Created On: 01/12/2020
Our services happen each week Monday to Saturday. Please see our monthly calendar for details of activities or get in contact to ask about other services.
The Royal Society for Blind Children (RSBC) offers a range of free services for vision impaired children and young people, and their families. 1. RSBC Live Life, Go Further ProgrammeThe RSBC Live Life Go Further programme includes a wide range of fun activities for vision…

Puberty, Anatomy and autonomy

Created On: 01/01/2021
I vividly remember the day I started my period. I sat on the toilet and sobbed. Sobbed because I suddenly came to the realisation that this was it for the next forty-plus years and I sobbed because I’d been praying for this day for a…