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Advice & Information Search Results

Advice & Information

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Most young people will learn some skills about using money at school or college and in their day to day life. As young people get older they may want to learn more about spending and saving their money, which can be a bit overwhelming. In…

Types of Housing

We want all young people in Bedford to be able to choose where they live and who they live with. Some young people may want to continue to live with family or carers and others will want to move out of the home they have…

Qualifications and Course Levels

There are many ways that young people can gain experience and knowledge, prepare themselves for the world of work and develop independence skills. Academic Qualifications - a formal style of learning based more on theory than practical activities. Examples are GCSE's and A Levels. Vocational…

Careers Advice

All schools and further education providers are required to provide independent careers advice to young people. Careers advice aims to help young people understand what types of jobs they want and the types of skills or qualifications they might need for a specific job. Schools…

Further Education Colleges

Further education (FE) colleges provide a range of courses suitable for students of all abilities and interests. Most colleges will also offer specialist entry level supported learning courses that focus on developing basic skills and life skills.  You can find more information on local colleges…