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Money Roundup -benefits and grants

Benefits Are you claiming all the benefits you are entitled to? Martin Lewis Martin Money Tips advises   “If you have an income of less than £30,000 and you are struggling, it is worth spending ten minutes on a benefits calculator Benefits Calculator For information…

Your Health Passport

If you live within Bedfordshire, the Looked after Children’s Health Team will send you a Health Passport; this will contain key information from your childhood such as if/when you had immunisations and information about any health needs you have (in the past or current health…

Becoming a Personal Assistant (PA)

Personal Assistants (PA’s) are employed to assist children/young people  who need support with health or social care and provide extra support to the parent/guardian.  Every child is different and so are their needs, PA support can vary from working with a child with Autism to…

NDD Local Services and Support - Sensory

Sensory Processing is the ability to register, discriminate, adapt and respond appropriately, both physically and emotionally to sensory input from our bodies and the environment. We receive a great deal of information from our senses. We use this information in many ways – to help…

NDD Local Services and Support - Behaviour

All children have times when they behave in inappropriate or challenging ways. They can go through different phases as they develop and become more independent and this might mean they push limits and boundaries from time to time. At times of change or difficulty, for…

NDD Local Services and Support - Sleep

Problems with sleep are common in all children and young people, though they may be more likely to occur in children/young people with additional needs because of possible physical or medical reasons, sensory issues, behavioural issues, learning difficulties/disabilities, and frequent hospitalisation.  Problems with sleep may…

Employability Skills

    As well as skills specific to the job you’re going for, employers are also looking for general job skills. These are sometimes called ‘employability skills’ or ‘soft skills’. These types of skills will make you stand out. Even if you don’t think you…