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Advice & Information Search Results

Advice & Information

Directory results

Personal Budgets

A child or young person with SEND can get a Personal Budget to support their needs, provided the personal budget is used to for an agreed outcome on their EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) or an assessed need (Social care or Health care).  By…

Mental Health Support for Children and Young People

Below you will find a range of services and support available for supporting children and young people in Bedford Borough with their emotional health and wellbeing. A local working group has coproduced a document which sets out clearly how children and young people can access…

Things to Do

From local youth groups to uniformed clubs.... from drama and dance to football teams - this is the section you need to locate all of the fun things you and your family can access in the local area. Have fun! Ideas of actvities to do…

Preparing for Adulthood

Leaving school and moving into adulthood can be a challenging time for all young people, especially for those with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).  It’s never too early to think about preparing for adulthood and what this period of transition may involve, ensuring that…

Frequently Asked Questions - Mediation

Bedford Borough Parent Carers Forum have collated the most frequently asked questions about mediation . Two of the most common questions are, is mediation worth it and are the Local Authority just offering mediation so they do not have to provide a service. Fuller answers…

"You Said, We Did"

We want this Local Offer website and the information on it to be helpful and meaningful to you. Parents/carers, young people and staff worked together to design this website, and to test its content and layout to ensure that it worked for those people who…