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Showing 185 search results

Bedfordshire Open Door - Specialist Counselling for Young People with Autism aged 13 to 25 in Bedford Borough

Created On: 01/09/2021
Bedfordshire Open Door offers free, confidential face to face counselling for young people aged 13 - 25 years.   We have specialist counsellors who offer one to one sessions for people with autism using creative approaches.  If you want to find out a bit more before…
120Tavistock StreetBedfordMK40 2SA

Bedfordshire Down Syndrome Support Group

Created On: 01/06/2019
Depending on activity
Who we are? We are a parent run charity which supports families of people with Down’s Syndrome in Bedfordshire. What we do? We organise regular activities for families to come together and socialise.  We arrange Speech Therapy and an Early Development Group for pre-school children. …

Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service

Created On: 31/07/2019
The Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service is for residents of Bedfordshire (excluding Luton who have a separate service) who experience depression, anxiety, sadness, extreme shyness, obsessive behaviour, phobias, relationship difficulties including depression and common mental health symptoms or other psychological issues which are holding them back in…

Bedfordshire Youth Offending Service

Created On: 01/05/2019
Monday to Friday and occasional weekend activities
Who are we? We work with young people that get into trouble with the law. The youth offending service (YOS) gets involved if a young person: • gets into trouble with the police or is arrested • is charged with a crime and has to…
36 Old End Ford RoadQueens ParkBedfordBedsMK40 4PF


Created On: 01/11/2021
Social security benefits are financial payments. Some benefits are paid to meet basic living costs, some are paid for specific expenses such as rent, other benefits are paid if you meet certain criteria such as being in full-time work. There are dozens of different benefits…

Benefits calculator

Created On: 03/01/2020
Benefits calculator Use theTurn2Us benefits calculator to find out what benefits and other sources of financial help you might be entitled to. It should take around 10 minutes to complete and to make sure you get the best results possible, it helps to have the…

Bluebells Children's Centre

Created On: 02/07/2019
Please contact provider for opening times
Children’s Centres are part of the Government’s strategy to provide good quality services to children, young people and their families, in order to give every child the best possible start in life.The services available include:• advice on parenting, local childcare options, healthy eating and managing…
Bromham Lower SchoolVillage RoadBromhamBedfordMK43 8JP