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Advice & Information Search Results

Advice & Information

Directory results

Mental Health Support for Children and Young People

Below you will find a range of services and support available for supporting children and young people in Bedford Borough with their emotional health and wellbeing. A local working group has coproduced a document which sets out clearly how children and young people can access…

SENDIASS - Who are we?

Bedford SENDIASS - SENDIASS stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service. We were formerly called Bedford SEND Advice and have been supporting parents, carers and young people for many years. The below video provides an Introduction to Information Advice and…

Mental Health First Aiders

Who we are? There are over 100 practitioners in our schools, preschools and nurseries that are qualified Mental Health First Aiders, having completed their training with MHFA England. They will also have access to high-quality on-going CPD to support them in their role. What we…

How to support a foster child with FASD

FASD (Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) can have a serious, long-term impact on a baby’s growth and development. Around 7,000 (1 per cent) of UK babies have FASD. It’s important that foster carers are aware of the condition and how it may affect a child’s development, learning…

What is Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD)?

FASD (Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) can have a serious, long-term impact on a baby’s growth and development. Around 7,000 (1 per cent) of UK babies have FASD. It’s important that parents and carers and those working with the child are aware of the condition and how…

Things to do

Getting out and about with your baby or toddler can be great for their development as well as a welcome opportunity to meet other parents and develop some peer support. It is sometimes overwhelming to see the number of different activities on offer and so…