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Advice & Information Search Results

Advice & Information

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Personal Budgets for Education

A child’s parents or young person over the age of 16 providing they can make financial decisions can request a Personal Budget for Education. To be eligible for a Personal Budget for Education, the child or young person must have an EHCP, and the request…


There are many different elements to healthcare, from mental health to dental care and vaccinations. Explore the links below to visit useful websites and find out more information. Medical help and advice: Get help for your symptoms - NHS 111 Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust…

"You Said, We Did"

We want this Local Offer website and the information on it to be helpful and meaningful to you. Parents/carers, young people and staff worked together to design this website, and to test its content and layout to ensure that it worked for those people who…

Sleep and tiredness after having a baby

It is perfectly natural to feel sleep deprived, exhausted and like you are running on empty after having a baby, but that doesn’t make it any easier! Many parents cite the lack of sleep as one of the hardest parts of adjusting to having a…

Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties Guidance

This Dyslexia Guidance was co-produced with parents and carers of children with dyslexia, young people with dyslexia and professionals working in the field of dyslexia. The original document was created by Cambridge Local Authority and has been adapted to mete the needs of the Bedford…

Alternative Provision

Alternative education provision (AP) refers to education that a child or young person receives away from their school, arranged by the Local Authority or by the schools themselves.

Educational Psychology - Accessing School Support Services

Who are we? The Educational Psychology Team work with schools and families, to improve children and young people’s learning experience, when there are concerns around their learning, behaviour or emotional well-being. We are a Buy Back service working with schools, parents and children/young people. What…