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Advice & Information

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NDD Local Services and Support - Sensory

Sensory Processing is the ability to register, discriminate, adapt and respond appropriately, both physically and emotionally to sensory input from our bodies and the environment. We receive a great deal of information from our senses. We use this information in many ways – to help…

NDD Local Services and Support - Family Wellbeing

Children’s wellbeing is connected to their parents’ (mental and physical) wellbeing more than any other influence in their lives and parents and children do not exist in isolation. Our upbringing and family life shapes us, gives us context to the world around us – our…

NDD Local Services and Support - Learning and development

Learning is the acquisition of new information, behaviours, or abilities after practice, observation, or other experience. Development is the progressive series of changes that occur over the lifespan of a human being. (APA Dictionary of Psychology). Learning and development are closely linked, in that learning…

Bedfordshire Neurodevelopmental Disorder (NDD) Pathway

Bedfordshire's Community Health Services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are working together to create our neurodevelopmental disorder asessment pathway. Find out more: NDD pathway guidance  Working with partners from the Local Authority, local charities and community services we have created a pathway of early…

Your Health Passport

If you live within Bedfordshire, the Looked after Children’s Health Team will send you a Health Passport; this will contain key information from your childhood such as if/when you had immunisations and information about any health needs you have (in the past or current health…