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Advice & Information Search Results

Advice & Information

Directory results

Health and Specialist Services

Here you will find a list of Health and Specialist Services that are available in our Local Area. Please use the categories below to filter through the search results.

Help & Advice

As a parent or professional it is not always easy to know where to go for support, who to ask for advice or what next steps are needed. We have included a list of services and support you might find useful but if you still…

Help with Childcare Costs

Financial help is available from a variety of sources to assist you and your family with childcare costs. Many families are entitled to financial help but are not aware how to claim it or that they are eligible. Below we have listed some of the help…

Holiday Activities and Food Programme 2024

What is HAF? The Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) is a nation-wide programme, funded by the Department for Education (DfE), enabling statutory school aged children in receipt of benefit related free school meals, to access FREE clubs and activities during the Easter, summer and…

Independent Advocacy

An advocate is someone who can help you to get your views across and supports you to have your say when decisions are being made about you. An advocate can give you information about your rights, help you have your say at meetings, speak on…

Independent Travel Training -Frequently Asked Questions

Independent Travel Training is the teaching of the skills required to enable an individual with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to start travelling independently and safely to and from school/college or place of work and within their local community with confidence. Travel Training involves teaching…

Independent Travel Training for young people aged 14+ with SEND

Independent Travel Training is the teaching of the skills required to enable an individual with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to start travelling independently and safely to and from school/college or place of work and within their local community with confidence. Travel Training involves teaching…

Joint Commissioning

Joint Commissioning is a strategic approach to planning and delivering services in a holistic, joined-up way. It is a means for the different partners commissioning education, health and care provision, to deliver positive outcomes for children and young people with SEND.   Bedford Borough Council, Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning…