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Advice & Information Search Results

Advice & Information

Directory results

Access to Records

You have a right to see the information we keep about you, this includes the files and records written whilst you are or were in care. If the Leaving and After Care Team are still supporting you, you will need to speak with your Social…

Applying for Benefits

Your Personal Adviser will provide advice on the benefits that you can apply for and will support you to make your application. You might be able to claim some benefits, like Jobseeker’s Allowance or Universal Credit, Housing Benefit or Income Support, depending on your circumstances.…

The Children in Care Council

CiCC is a group of children and young people who are in care or who have left care and aims to help you have your say about the issues that are important to you. The CiCC meet every month, with support from the Engagement and…

Council Tax

As a young person who is supported by the Leaving and After Care Team, you do not need to pay Council Tax until you reach the age of 25 or are earning over £50000 when you move into your own home.

Employability Skills

    As well as skills specific to the job you’re going for, employers are also looking for general job skills. These are sometimes called ‘employability skills’ or ‘soft skills’. These types of skills will make you stand out. Even if you don’t think you…

Housing Advice and Options

Alongside your Personal Advisors or Social Worker, you are able to get housing advice from the Bedford Borough Council Housing Advice Team. The Housing Advice Team can give you advice on tenancy rights and responsibilities, alongside support with: Having a good relationship with your land-lord…

Independent Advocacy

An advocate is someone who can help you to get your views across and supports you to have your say when decisions are being made about you. An advocate can give you information about your rights, help you have your say at meetings, speak on…

Leaving Care Before Turning 18

We will encourage you to stay in care until you are 18. Most young people still live at home with their families at this age. If you choose to leave care before age 18, the law says we must provide you with suitable accommodation so…

Mind of My Own

Mind of My Own is a quick and easy to use app or website that lets you share how you feel about your life, your workers, your meetings and the support you get. It is a great way to make sure your views go straight…