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Advice & Information Search Results

Advice & Information

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Work vacancies

We have pulled together information from many different sources into one place. Here you will find links to external websites which list vacancies for paid work. Don't forget to check out the other resources on our Disability Employment Information page if you want more advice…

NDD Local Services and Support - Sleep

Problems with sleep are common in all children and young people, though they may be more likely to occur in children/young people with additional needs because of possible physical or medical reasons, sensory issues, behavioural issues, learning difficulties/disabilities, and frequent hospitalisation.  Problems with sleep may…

NDD Local Services and Support - Behaviour

All children have times when they behave in inappropriate or challenging ways. They can go through different phases as they develop and become more independent and this might mean they push limits and boundaries from time to time. At times of change or difficulty, for…

NDD Local Services and Support - Healthy Relationships

We all want children to grow up healthy, happy, safe and able to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain. From September 2020 all primary age children will be taught Relationships and Health Education in school. Your child’s school will have flexibility to deliver the content in a…

NDD Local Services and Support - Sensory

Sensory Processing is the ability to register, discriminate, adapt and respond appropriately, both physically and emotionally to sensory input from our bodies and the environment. We receive a great deal of information from our senses. We use this information in many ways – to help…

NDD Local Services and Support - Family Wellbeing

Children’s wellbeing is connected to their parents’ (mental and physical) wellbeing more than any other influence in their lives and parents and children do not exist in isolation. Our upbringing and family life shapes us, gives us context to the world around us – our…

NDD Local Services and Support - Learning and development

Learning is the acquisition of new information, behaviours, or abilities after practice, observation, or other experience. Development is the progressive series of changes that occur over the lifespan of a human being. (APA Dictionary of Psychology). Learning and development are closely linked, in that learning…