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Advice & Information Search Results

Advice & Information

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Employability Skills

    As well as skills specific to the job you’re going for, employers are also looking for general job skills. These are sometimes called ‘employability skills’ or ‘soft skills’. These types of skills will make you stand out. Even if you don’t think you…

Money Roundup -benefits and grants

Benefits Are you claiming all the benefits you are entitled to? Martin Lewis Martin Money Tips advises   “If you have an income of less than £30,000 and you are struggling, it is worth spending ten minutes on a benefits calculator Benefits Calculator For information…

Types of Housing

We want all young people in Bedford to be able to choose where they live and who they live with. Some young people may want to continue to live with family or carers and others will want to move out of the home they have…

Independent Travel Training -Frequently Asked Questions

Independent Travel Training is the teaching of the skills required to enable an individual with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to start travelling independently and safely to and from school/college or place of work and within their local community with confidence. Travel Training involves teaching…